Roadside Meditations, Rob Hammer, Kehrer Verlag, 2023
Character Arc, Pascal Haas, Kerber Verlag, 2023
H2O Scapes, Sylvie Leblanc, Kerber Verlag, 2023
We The Spirits, Jason Gardner, GOST, 2023
Cousins, Kristen Joy Emack, L'Artiere, 2023
One Year Later, Christian Heymann, Kettler Verlag, 2023
Analysis, Shellburne Thurber, Kehrer Verlag, 2023
Unorte, Robert Ettlinger, Eigenverlag, 2023
Adriatico, Riccardo Fregoso, Kerber Verlag, 2022
Berlin, Jason Langer, Kerber Verlag, 2022
Nemurushima. The Sleeping Island, Kentaro Kumon, Kehrer Verlag, 2022
Stone & Candle. Armenian Monasteries, Ted & Nune, Kehrer Verlag, 2022
Instincts. Same But Different, Cristina Dias de Maghalaes, Kehrer Verlag, 2022
Portfolio Reviews
Athens Photo Festival, Greece
EMOP Berlin, Germany
Encontros da Imagem, Braga, Portugal
Fotofestiwal, Lodz, Poland
Fotofestival Mannheim Ludwigshafen Heidelberg
(now: Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie), Germany
Helphoto, Helsinki, Finland
Houston FotoFest, Texas, USA & Paris, France
Kaunas Photo, Kaunas, Lithuania
Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, France
Miesiac Fotografii, Krakow, Poland
PhEST, Monopoli, Italy
Photolucida, Portland OR, USA
Photomonth Vienna, Austria
PhotoPlus, NYC, USA
Plat(t)form, Winterthur, Switzerland
Review Santa Fe, USA
Transeurope, Helsinki, Finland
Voies Off, Arles, France
Features / Interviews
Lensculture Interview: The Making of Photobooks: Insight From Kehrer Verlag’s Acquisitions Editor
Strange Fire: Q & A with Alexa Becker
Workshops / Teaching
I am a frequent juror at various international online Photography Competitions and I also teach in Europe, for example at the School for Design Bern & Biel, Switzerland. I give workshops at Fotografie Forum Frankfurt as well as at the International Center of Photography (ICP) New York, both in person and online. Follow my Instagram to see new workshops coming up!
"Alexa’s insight and feedback have been transformational in my career as a photographer. Not only did Alexa wholeheartedly embrace my Venice Beach project from the moment I presented it to her but she became a valuable creative partner and ambassador for my work from that day forward. Alexa is one of the very first people I share my new work with to and trust the opinion of and I very much look forward to working with her for many years to come."
Dotan Saguy
"I had a wonderful time working with Alexa on my book project "To Survive on This Shore." From the initial proposal through the finished product and related promotion, Alexa was a thoughtful partner in the publishing process. She is deeply versed in the fields of photography and book publishing and brings an international, highly experienced eye to her work with individual photographers and projects. Importantly, she is also compassionate and supportive (and funny!), able to mentor and guide artists through specific projects or throughout their careers in a holistic, humanistic way."
Jess T. Dugan
"Photolucida has been fortunate to work with Alexa Becker for over a decade in several capacities: she has served as a portfolio reviewer, juror and curator within the context of our programming and we have gone through a book publishing collaboration with her as well. As a reviewer, Alexa is a highly sought-after expert in the international photography world – her insight and authenticity based on years of experience have helped numerous photographers with diverse projects navigate the complicated roadmap of photobook publishing. It has been rewarding to see a large handful of book projects that Alexa has shepherded from an initial conversation with a photographer result in a beautifully-produced monograph with international distribution. Any time spent with Alexa is invaluable – she is a keen and eloquent advocate of photographers wishing to push projects into the publication realm."
Laura Moya, Director, Photolucida
„For more than 15 years, Alexa has been an ally. Her professionalism, expertise, enthusiasm and passion for photography make her a great partner, in business and in conversation. Galleries and publishers work hand in hand. Often, over the course of time, you become reliable colleagues. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you also become friends. Alexa is a friend.“
Robert Morat, Robert Morat Galerie
It’s so important to have encouragement as an artist when your goal is in its infancy. Alexa believed in my vision for my book Cousins even before I became a Guggenheim Fellow. I don’t think it would have happened if I had not discussed it with her first. She is honest, open, and knowledgeable, and is a bridge builder and a champion of photographers. I’m so grateful to have met her.
Kristen Joy Emack